高考英语满分作文 学校要不要组织学生春游

作者:不详  (字数:1100字作文)




  注意:1,信的格式已为你写好;2,词数:100左右;3,生词:拓宽 broaden



  1. 可以领略大自然的优美风景;

  2. 拓宽视野,增长知识;

  3. 呼吸新鲜空气,有益于身体健康.

  1. 时间紧,耽误学习;

  2. 增加父母经济负担;

  3. 担心安全.

  Dear Headmaster,

  I'm writing to tell you the discussion we've had on whether the school should organize a spring outing for the students.


  Dear Headmaster,

  I'm writing to tell you about the discussion we've had on whether the school should organize a spring outing for the students.

  Opinions on the question are divided as follows:70% of the students think that the school should organize the spring outing. They believe that the spring outing can make them enjoy the nature's beautiful scenery, which can broaden our vision and fill us with more knowledge. They also say that the air in the open fields is fresher. What's more, fresh air does a lot of good to our health.

  On the other hand,30% don't like the idea of going out for a spring outing. In their opinions, time is very precious, so they have to grasp every minute to work hard at their lessons. Traveling costs a lot. In that case, it will add to their families' burden. Above all, no one can be sure of the safety of every student.

  Yours truly

  Li Hua



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