感恩节英语作文:Selfless love

作者:不详  (字数:1700字作文)

感恩节英语作文:Selfless love

They are just ordinary world of one, however, in the face of tremendous blow, they have chosen a strong and smile to the face of this world is full of love.

Earthquake days does not collapse, the disaster is love. Xiangji in the work of the teacher-Tan ages in life the last minute, he decided to open arms, Huzhu his four students, left to their own death. Pengzhou policewomen Jiang Min, in the disaster lost their mother grandmother and 2-year-old daughter, Jiang Min Beitongyujue, however, serious damage, police extreme tension, to remain in her post three days and three nights until the collapsed……

 This pain of lost loved ones, who can bear to, but we need to face: a sad and subdued both eyes, one out of both hands…… not to forget yesterday's shadow, the dark yesterday, yesterday Panic, to forget yesterday's Beiqi yesterday, the pain and mental trauma, the Federation of the shadow of the sun lit up, dawn darkness engulfed the Association, the Federation of peace reunion forget the horror of the Federation of Beiqi eliminated, the Federation of Health to disperse the pain Many of the Federation of love you heal the wounds of the soul.

Baiyun Duo Duo, Duo Duo disappeared Jiao-yan of flowers, memorial sound, the sound lost loved ones and laughing, crying again, to disperse the spring breeze of the past again, tears Yingying, a haggard Shared love Yingying.

The deceased have been passing away, the Health and continue to protest, this was the world, we take too hastily, in the name of life, calls for life to the oneworld affectionate, cherishing life…









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