
作者:不详  (字数:1000字作文)

      学校的English Center是同学们练习英语口语的场所。这里的Teenager Hotline每天都能收到不少同学的咨询电话。作为热线的一名志愿者,请根据你当时的笔录,首先描述一下两位同学的问题,然后分别向他们提出建议并说明原因。文章开头已经给出。

  Student: Mary

  Problem: There are so many rules in my family. For example, I have to do lots of housework after school.

  Student: Tom

  Problem: My parents want me to be a lawyer, but I want to be a pop singer.


   注意:1. 词数:120左右; 2. 可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯。

   We get many calls from our schoolmates. They have different problems.

  One possible version:

     We get many calls from our schoolmates. They have different problems.

      A girl named Mary says there are many rules in her family. For example, she has to do a lot of housework after school. Tom and his parents differ in their wishes about his future.

      Firstly I have some suggestions for Mary. From your call, I know you don’t approve of your family rules. I suggest that you have an honest talk with your parents because if you exchange opinions, then you will understand each other better. As for Tom, I think you can tell your parents what you are interested in and tell them interest is the mother of success and you will try your best to achieve your goal. I believe they will agree with your opinion sooner or later. Good luck!



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