拼音:lín yuān xiàn yú ,bù rú tuì ér jié wǎng 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网的解释
[It is better to return home and weave net than standing by water and admiring fishes;one should take practical steps to achieve one’s aims; It is hard to catch birds with an empty hand; It is vain to fish without a hook, or read without a book] 比喻空怀壮志,不如实实在在地付诸于行动
- 结网的解释 亦作“ 结罔 ”。织网。《汉书·扬雄传上》:“ 雄 以为临川羡鱼,不如归而结罔。” 南唐 陈陶 《闲居杂兴》诗之二:“中原莫道无麟凤,自是皇家结网疎。” 宋 黄庭坚 《演雅》诗:“桑蚕作茧自缠裹,