英语标点的正确使用 4

作者:不详  (字数:1500字作文)

  2.2.7  在句子中加上逗号,以免引起误解:

  1. That she knew where the money was, was news to me. (如果was, was 之间


  2. Outside, the lawn was cluttered with hundreds of broken branches.


     (如果outside 后去掉逗号, 那意思就变成“在草坪的外面到处是断枝。”)

    2.2.8  用逗号分开引用句:

  1.  “You are beautiful,” he said. (这个逗号要放在引号内)

  2.  Our teacher said, “Freedom is not license.” (...said,)

  3.  “No,” she said, “I was just testing your patience.” (No, /


  4.  “Perhaps,”Tom responded, “I will try anyway.” (Perhaps, /


  2.2.9  逗号用以分开星期、月日、年份:

  1.  On Monday, May 5,2000, her first child was born. (Monday, May 5,

  2000, )

  2.  On March 8, 2003, he bought a new car. (March 8, 2003, )

  3.  June 2000 is one of the most meaningful of my life. (只有月和年,就不


    2.2.10  逗号用以分开地名、省名、国名、街道名、巷弄名等:

  1.  Linda lives at 1234 Amarillo Ave., #1, Palo Alto, CA 94303, U.S.A.

    2.2.11  逗号用在 such as 和 especially 的前面:

  1.  They enjoy outdoor sports, such as hiking and riding.

  2.  He likes all extracurricular activities, especially basketball


  2.3  突出句子中某个插入成份(Parenthetical elements):


  2.3.1 句子里插入的词、短语、子句等,加上逗号以示插入成份:

  1. He knew, however, that no one would listen to his warning. ( 插入


  2.  No, you may not come with us. (插入 No)

  2.3.2 用逗号分开“乃此非彼”的结构:

  1. Jane, not Shirley, will attend the meeting. (是 Jane,不是 Shirley)

  2. He wanted to see Mr. Wu, not Mr. Hu. (是吴先生,不是胡先生)

  3. Some say the world will end in ice, not fire. (是冰,不是火)

  4. It was her money, not her charm or personality, that first attracted

  him. (为的是她的财富,不是为了她的妩媚或个性)




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